IAS Volpino

Hello and Welcome!


 My name is Isabelle A-S. I'm originally from France and am the mother of three girls, a passionate dancer and a pet lover!

I grew up surrounded by dogs and acquired my first Volpino Italiano, Vicky, in 2004. She made me fall in love with the breed. 
After moving to Canada in 2013, I decided to get another Volpino as Vicky was getting old and needed a companion. But finding a Volpino was a challenge as I realized the breed was rare and there were no breeders in Canada at that time. 

In 2015 I got my Lola from Tenessee, USA. Sadly, when she was nine-months old, she passed away in a tragic accident. I was devastated. But thanks to support from the North Americano Volpino Club (NAVC) I found lovely Lola Due (due is Italian for "two") from the same breeder (Terralea-VICA President). Two years later I got my sweet Luigi from Minnesota, USA, and decided to breed them.

Volpinos are amazing dogs and my goal as a breeder is to help protect them from extinction and to promote their wonderful attributes.